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30/10/2010 00:00:00

Marijuana Hair Loss - Fact Or Fiction?

Many people say smoking weed causes hair loss, many people say it doesn't. Either way, there's people who smoke marijuana and won't stop smoking (or can't stop smoking). This is a list of easy to make munchies food that also helps hair growth, hair health and hair retention.

The truth is, that while marijuana users can get a bum rap as potheads or pleasure-seekers, many people who smoke marijuana use it to alleviate chronic pain, help emotional wellness or deal with serious illnesses. So let's get to the point - marijuana makes you thirsty and hungry. Instead of picking up a bag of chips or ordering a pizza, try these tasty (and easy to make) hair growth stimulating and hair health helping snacks and assuage your guilt by convincing yourself that you're actually making your hair grow. (If this doesn't work you can read about generic propecia)

5 Munchies to Make Your Hair Happy!

  1.  Green Tea! Green tea contains flavonols and catechins that reduce DHT production (and hence, help you keep your hair). Drinking plenty of fluids also prevents dehydration, which can inhibit hair growth by not circulation hair growing vitamins sufficiently.

  2. Edamame! It's those funny green pea pods you eat at Japanese restaurants, but you can buy them for the freezer and eat them at home. 2 minutes in the microwave, a sprinkle of salt and you've got an isoflavone rich snack. Isoflavones prevent DHT production (which causes hair loss).

  3. Hamburgers! Any product rich in Iron will help you with hair growth, so why not skip on the greasy oily fries and get a double-meat burger instead?

  4. Go Nuts! Aside from being healthier than potato chips in general, nuts are also filled with Vitamin E, which helps your hair grow and helps keep the hair you have healthy.

  5. Hot Potato! Take one potato with its skin, wrap it in Saran Wrap and put it in the microwave from 7-10 minutes (depending on the size). You've now got an instant snack and a healthy dose of silica. Silica, abundant in the potato skin, helps hair grow and stay healthy!

  6. So here ya go!  Enjoy your munchies and don't worry about marijuana hair loss too much.  If you want to see if marijuana is causing your hair loss, take a picture of your head, keep smoking weed for 6 weeks or more and take another picture.  You've now got your baseline hair loss.  Change nothing in your life, stop smoking marijuana, let another 6 weeks pass by (or longer) and take another photograph.  Do you have less hair loss when you stopped smoking pot?  Did your hair grow back?  Be your own scientist.  But if you can't stop smoking, it sure can't hurt to munch on some hair healthy foods!  Bon appetite=)

So here ya go!  Enjoy your munchies and don't worry about marijuana hair loss too much.  If you want to see if marijuana is causing your hair loss, take a picture of your head, keep smoking weed for 6 weeks or more and take another picture.  You've now got your baseline hair loss.  Change nothing in your life, stop smoking marijuana, let another 6 weeks pass by (or longer) and take another photograph.  Do you have less hair loss when you stopped smoking pot?  Did your hair grow back?  Be your own scientist.  But if you can't stop smoking, it sure can't hurt to munch on some hair healthy foods!  Bon appetite=)

You can read more in Lindsey Parker's magazine, marijuana hair loss section

Author: Lindsey Parker

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