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Colombian Gold World Of Seeds 1 - 12 Seeds

Interesting cross back 25/75 Indica/sativa landrace from Colombia, giving as a result a mixture of pure lines come from the Santa Marta zone. The history dates tell us that this variety was used by Simon Bolivar in his trips around Amazonas, in which he interchanges spices and medicinal plants with natives during his conquests. High, vigorous and branched, its smell is sweet and intense, stands out for its flavour and powerful psychedelic effects.

Bank: World of Seeds Bank
Way of cropping: Mainly outdoor
Race: Pure race obtained from Colombia Santa Marta zone
Genotype: 25% Indica / 75% sativa
Height: Less than 1.5 m indoor/ until 2.5 meters outdoor
Width: Depending on prune. Some branched without prune.
Growing time: 3-4 weeks
Harvest time: 60-70 days indoor/final November outdoor
Resistance to mushrooms: High because belongs to wet clime.
Resistance to plague: Depends on the plague
Irrigation tolerance: High
Yield: 350 gr per m2 indoor/ 450 - 600 gr per plant outdoor
Medicinal value: Average (average CBD content) Application like an antiemetic and in treatment of intraocular pressure in glaucoma
Smell: Sweet, intense
Flavour: Fruity and sweet
Effects: Psychedelic, electric
THC Level: 19.3% measured upon the rest of cannabinoids. 7.8% measured upon the rest of organic substances belonging to buds like: amino acids, sugars, terpenoids, vegetal hormones, and cannabinoids (determined by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry)

Seed BankWorld Of Seeds

HeightYield Span Class=smalltextgr SogFlowering Span Class=smalltextPeriod weeksTypeHarvesting MonthClimateFeminized Marijuana SeedsDifficulty
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Price for 1 Seed
$3.03 - $9.75

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