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Haze 19 X Skunk Nirvana Seeds 1 - 10 Seeds
Our Haze 19x Skunk is a F1 hybrid providing a cerebral up high with many of the beloved growing qualities of skunk #1. Haze 19 x Skunk is a large plant commonly producing leaves with 11 or 13 fingers and many firm buds. The flavour is not overly hazey like other haze hybrids. This is a subtle sativa with many redeeming qualities. This seed yields a maximum of Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) 350/400.
Yield SogAverage
Flowering Period weeks10 (10-12)
Thc PercentageNull (15-20)
TypeMostly Sativa
Harvesting Month10
Seed BankNirvana Seeds
Feminized Marijuana SeedsNo

HeightYield Span Class=smalltextgr SogFlowering Span Class=smalltextPeriod weeksTypeHarvesting MonthClimateFeminized Marijuana SeedsDifficulty
-Average10Mostly Sativa10IndoorNoAdvanced
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Price for 1 Seed
$2 - $3.66

Display Headshops
Date: 14/09/2007

This plant can get out of control with "sativa runs" everywhere,growing in all directions. I would not suggest topping. Induce 12/12 as soon as rooting ocours. not many keepers in a pack. staking an/or tying is a must.

Name: benny
Date: 18/02/2011

skunk bud is a product that is grown in different countries if you want to get some you can contact me for details at thanks jj sunny

Name: jj sunny

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